Saturday 3rd June – Fredericia, Denmark
New adventures and new country today. Lots to learn about the rules and regulations of camping here. Evidently motorhome parking is permitted pretty much anywhere as long as it is not near homes or in a “no parking” zone. You can only park there overnight as long as you don’t “camp” there. It is classified as camping if you set up anything outside eg tables and chairs or put up your awning etc.
Border control guards were out in full force but we got the go ahead without any checking. We are just inside our ninety day Schengen rule so am keen to see how we fare with my Polish citizenship once we exceed that time frame in a couple of weeks.
Camping is extremely expensive here compared to Poland and Germany but we have been led to believe it gets more expensive in Sweden and more so in Norway. Think we will have to find free spots to help the budget whilst here.
Had our first taste of higher prices as we filled up with fuel just over the border (sadly missed the last fuel stop in Germany).
Pulled into our first “free camp” located right on Fredericia harbour called “Svovlsyrekoj”. The harbour is a working harbour and there were cargo ships as far as you could see. Being a Saturday the boardwalk on the harbour was filled with keen fishermen so we were entertained for ages. Most of the fish caught were, we think, garfish. Very long and skinny and very sharp looking pointed heads. The fishermen were very careful handling these and hit them on the head as soon as they were caught. Didn’t look tasty at all and can only imagine they were full of bones.

We were parked amongst 5 other motor homes so felt very safe.
We set off for a short 2km walk to Fredercia central in search of a bank to load up with Danish kroner. Shame Denmark, Sweden and Norway do not use euros and while all are on kroner, each has its own individual currency. We now have a stash of Aussie dollars, English Pounds, Euros, Polish Zloty and now Danish Kroner.

We set off again after dinner and walked back to town to check out the night life. It was a Saturday night around 8.30pm and the town was empty – lucky if we saw a dozen people. Came back to the harbour front around 10pm (still light outside) and sat and watched the view until dark.

Sunday 4th June – Billund, Denmark (Legoland)
Did a bit of research last night as we noticed none of the service stations we passed offered LPG gas. It appears there are only 4 gas stations in whole of Denmark that supply LPG. Our first port of call was a servo in Middlefart – cost was 11.5 kroner per litre with our exchange rate at 5 kroner to 1 Aussie dollar that is over $2 per litre – we payed around $0.70 per litre in Poland.
Now fully laden with fuel, gas, food and alcohol, we Headed towards Billund (home of Lego). Called Legoland Billund Resort, it is about one km north of Billund. Cost is around $65 per person (for seniors) and parking for the day is $10 on top of that.

We found a park in the cargo area at the airport nearby (avoided designated parking at Legoland) and took a short 10 minute walk to Legoland. The place was packed as it was Sunday, and we believe tomorrow is a public holiday in Denmark (Constitution Day).

Though expensive for these two old retired folk, this is something we really wanted to see – and we were not disappointed as the photos will show. What a magic place. Bit like the theme parks on the Gold Coast – all inclusive price for the attractions and rides. We did not do any rides but really enjoyed Miniland and the other mini displays of scenes of homes, castles, farms etc. from many European countries including harbours, ships, airports, trains – even had a whole section on Star Wars. There was so much to see, there is no way I can describe everything we saw. There have been over 65 million Lego bricks used so far to construct Legoland. There is also a massive new Lego building in Bellund currently under construction which will include so much more for the tourist to see here. This is expected to be completed in 2017 but looked like it was a long way off completion yet.

We have found out that two hours before closing time, the rides close and then they open the gates to anyone at no cost. Check the website for closing times and then arrive two hours before that.

Really glad we decided to so this and after a short walk back to Ziggy, we headed to our next overnight stop in Vejle about 35 Kms away – a free camp offered by an auto camper dealer called Autocamp Centre. Didn’t arrive until 7.30pm so had dinner, the regulation bottle of wine, good conversation and then some quiet reading until bed time.