Friday 12th May – Haligovce, Slovakia

Goralsky Dvor – Another beautiful place just waiting for the summer holidays to start. No other mobile homes here yet. A farm style holiday camp with sheep, goats, chickens and one very loud snorting pig- though he did quieten down when we gave him some fresh grass to eat. They have cabins and caravans for hire. Bathroom facilities are great. They are located on a beautiful waterway (ideal for rafting and swimming in warmer months) and even have fire pits ready to go. They have a beautiful country restaurant here decorated with old wares and statues of angels, animals, birds etc carved out of tree stumps. Each timber chair in the restaurant has a face carved on the back of it.
First chance we have had to put out the tables and chairs for a long time. My best friend took advantage of the sunshine and took off his flanno shirt and exposed the chest to some much needed vitamin D. Think the sunshine only lasted for about ten minutes before the chest had to go back into hibernation for the day.

We explored the property which didn’t take long and then sat down and enjoyed the peaceful surroundings for the rest of the day. No exercise today.
Was going to have chicken on the BBQ for dinner but the storm clouds wre brewing so decided to test the chef in the restaurant.
Had 4 x half litre beers, entree, main, sweets, 2 coffees and two vodka shots while the storm raged outside. Cost a staggering $25 in total. Can’t believe how little things cost in both Poland and Slovakia.
We checked our emails and received word from Barbara (my Niece) in Biala Podlaska that my Polish ID PESEL doc was ready to be picked up so now we are going back for a short visit before heading north to Scandanavia for Part II of our adventure.
Saturday 13th May – Tarnow, Poland
Miserable day weather wise so was good to be travelling – we headed across the Slovakian/Polish border north and into Poland – once again no checks at the border.
Arrived at Camping Pod Jablonaimi. Not much to see here as it is still raining. Lovely campsite set at the back of a hotel. Again we are alone in the campsite. Camping spots are set amongst apple trees on grass but given the amount of rain, decided to park on the bitumen. Very safe and secure here but a little expensive for what it is.
Sunday – Monday 14-15 May – Sandomierz, Poland
Wow!!! Blue skies with not a cloud in sight. Temperature inside Ziggy was a warm 15 degrees – we were in for a warm day (for a change).
Again we travelled through some amazing countryside, though now things were changing. The alpine chalets and pine trees were replaced by small towns with farm houses and acres and acres of fruit trees. We had time to research a little before we headed off and selected Sandomierz because it had an “old town” and an underground and quite a lot of places of interest to explore.
Another one of those “hard to find spots” – just when the Sat Nav told you that you had reached your destination, you looked around and you were in the middle of new earthworks and new roads under construction – no campsite in view.
We saw the entrance only 50 metres away but there was no way to get to it without going down the wrong side of the highway.

Eventually we found a way around and arrived at the most amazing destination. Situated between the river and just below the historic town, Camping Browarny again was so beautiful. Set amongst beautiful lush green trees with birds chirping. Everything was well maintained and with the sun shining and the temperature warm for a change, we put on some summer clothes and ventured through the back gate up the hill. 89 steps (not that we were counting) and then more hill to climb, we turned the corner and there we were in the middle of the square in historic Sandomierz. Being a Sunday afternoon, the square was alive – people everywhere, restaurants and entertainment and the old historic buildings and churches to explore.
They had the changing of the guards every half hour which was a spectacle by itself. They were clad in full armour and were happy to pose for photos.

Everyone was eating these amazing ice creams and nearly every second person had one. All types and colours and they were enormous. Had to have one, so dropped in to a shop just behind someone who was walking away with a soft serve chocolate and vanilla, ice cream standing about six inches above the cone. I pointed and said “one like that please”. Rob didn’t want one as he was wanting a beer – but managed to eat half of mine anyway! I think it cost just over $2 and was so thick and creamy.

We eventually rested in one of the cafes and sampled the local beer and of course some local Pierogis and watched the passing parade.

We returned just before dark and after a light dinner and some reading hit the hay.
Woke up Monday morning to another beautiful day. Hoping this is the beginning of summer here – certainly has taken it’s time coming.
For the first time we have other motor homes here. Mostly Dutch people who all speak excellent English. Enjoyed some conversation with them before we took the bikes off the rack (first time for six weeks) and hit the streets. There are great bikeways here though they are not as long as we hoped. We followed the river as far as we could and came back through the local markets. Streets and streets of stalls with clothes, shoes, handbags and fruit and veggies of course. Bought some and then headed back home for lunch.
After lunch we headed back up the 89 steps (though we were not counting!) back to the square to explore the many heritage buildings here. The square was not as exciting today as the locals had gone and were replaced with bus loads of school children.
Spent the rest of the afternoon there and headed back down the hill for the night.