Wednesday 4th July
The capital of Luxembourg is Luxembourg and the official languages are French, German and Luxembourgish and the currency is Euro.
Luxembourg has a population of around 600,000 people and a land mass of 2586 sq km.
Wild camping is prohibited in Luxembourg.
We passed into Luxembourg with no border gates to cross.
The countryside is lush and green with forests on both sides for miles. Heading along the motorway we see bridges running across the motorway that are full of flora only and are specifically made to allow fauna to cross the freeway from one side to the other. Road signs show stick pictures of deer bounding across the nature bridges.
Diesel is around 30 cents a litre cheaper than in Germany but have not stopped to restock groceries as yet. Have heard they are also cheaper – yet to be confirmed.
Our campsite for tonight: Parking Redange, Redange – GPS 49.769199N 5.894790E
A small camper stop for about 10 Mohos set beside a wellness park. Locals coming and going to use the indoor swimming pool during the afternoon and although there are heaps of car spots, they take the Mohos spots as well.
A very small village with not a huge amount to offer in interest apart from a large Cactus store – bit like Woolies at home. Purchased a couple of new wine glasses – ours were too small and took numerous trips to the fridge to refill glasses 😄.
Rain clouds were brewing overhead so our walk was short lived and we scurried back to Ziggy as we had left the overhead hatches open. Got back with only minutes to spare before the storm hit and continued on for several hours.
Great facilities all gratis including electricity but not a lot to see (we think as our walk was cut short).
Thursday 5th July
Our campsite for tonight: Camperplaats Martbusch, Berdorf – GPS 49.825958N 6.343800E
Separate Moho area adjacent to a camping ground. It is very well set up with huge pitches and grass and trees between each.
It is a beautiful clean modern village with new homes similar to ours at home – really pretty treed streets and lovely gardens.
This is the start of a large 110 km walk with many smaller walks and circuits in and around this village.

We ventured along the B2 5km nature walk through gorges and forests with sometimes not much more than shoulder width access down steep stoned steps through the gorges.
Stopped and watched several rock climbers ascending the steep flat vertical rocks – some more than 100 metres high.
A really great village to use as a base for these walks.
Friday 6th July
Didn’t get a chance to do any shopping in Luxembourg but I have been lead to believe that food – especially items like coffee are really cheap and lots of Germans cross the border to stock up on these items.
We visited the town of Echternach before crossing the border again into Germany.
Didn’t stay overnight but found a great Moho day stop just outside of town GPS N49.809601 E6.42856. About 6 places and from the look of those Mohos parked – they did stay overnight and even had awnings and deck chairs out! Sign clearly says no overnight parking.
Many hiking trails start from the town hall here and also lead through gorges and fantastic forests like we tackled yesterday. The town itself is quoted as being the oldest town in Luxembourg and we sighted Roman excavations along the short walk into town.
Certainly the old neo Romanesque basilica and abbey (now converted to a tech school) were amazing. The main square, though very small was bordered by restaurants and lots of picture opportunities for the great buildings around it.
On our return journey we heard in the distance music and like the Pied Piper traced the music to a park. “Skippy the Bush Kangaroo” followed by The Australian National Anthem was what we heard so we moved quickly. Strange how out of place to hear our Aussie songs here and did leave a lump in the throat.
The “Australian Aboriginal Team”
Reminded us of when we were staying with Ralf and Martina in Stelzenberg and their friends Petra and Walter gave us some gifts which included a jar of Aussie Vegemite, which apparently she ordered online, a crazy card and a copy of the Vegemite jingle – how good is that? – Petra also had a playlist on her Iphone of Aussie songs – sure brings a tear to your eye when you have been away from home for so long – Ralf and Martina are very fortunate to have such kind and thoughtful friends as Petra and Walter.
The park was alive with young people who were dressed in the traditional costumes of 8 different countries. There was a competition on and judging took place on dance and costume. We stayed a while and watched the end of the Australian group who were in shorts only, a bandana and of course some “not so good” aboriginal body paint. They were doing aboriginal dance and finished off with hopping off on bouncing balls (a skippy impersonation). They did get good points but they were not as good as the Russian Cossacks who followed them.

Had to leave as time was marching on and had to find a place to camp.