Tuesday 18th April – Tuesday 25th April – Biala Podlaska, Poland and surrounding villages
Tuesday was our last day with Piotr as he was leaving Wednesday for around ten days. Piotr drives a coach and is currently taking a group of Russian tourists throughout Europe.
We headed off for some more sightseeing.
Below are some of the many places in the local area that we visited over the next week or so. There has been little time to write notes for each day as each day is packed with so much. Will try to provide information on some of the sites visited below.
Shrine of the Podlaskie Uniates in Kostomloty: a Church with a valuable and beautiful iconostasis and relics of the blessed Uniate Marty’s from Pratulin. The parish in Kostomloty (south of Terespol, close to the River Bug) was founded in 1631.

St Anne’s Basilica – Koden: a truly beautiful church with a lot of history and really worth a visit. Its setting is on acres of beautiful manicured lawns and gardens with small chapels scattered throughout.

The Lublin Open Air Village Museum was established in 1970. Set in 60 acres of picturesque land it is one of the largest open air museums in Poland. The area is composed of several parts reflecting geographical units of Lublin region. The museum preserves the historic images of villages, manors and provincial towns with their regional characteristic features of buildings and settlement layouts.
Lublin Old Town: – again another beautiful old town which was levelled to the ground during World War II and reconstructed to its original glory. Whilst Warsaw Old Town was very special, Lublin Old Town has been our favourite to date.

We were in awe as we walked down each street. They have plaques on almost all the buildings with each telling a story about what happened there during the war. We have always been interested in history but nothing can describe how awful it would have been for my parents and their families during those horrible years. My father never spoke about those times and now I certainly can understand why.

Roskosz – Biala Podlaska – a Government initiative involving educational activities including a bakery, wood making, masonry, weaving, sewing and metal work.
Set in what was a beautiful old farm dating back to the 17th century. The site now has a hotel, restaurant and function centre, the funds from which support the Roskosz initiative.

The main objective of The Roskosz initiative was the search for causes of low physical activity among children and young people and overcoming the tendency of excessive use of screen media and the Internet. Groups of young people 14-18 years age come here and are encouraged to not only learn to enjoy sporting activities outside but also to learn skills from yesteryear.
The area to the east of here is very close to the border with Belarus.
We saw so much of the beautiful countryside. Farms are everywhere as the soil is so rich. We can understand why throughout history, Poland has been fought for and taken over by so many countries.
Progress with my Polish Passport is proceeding. Wheels turn very slowly here.
My Polish Citizenship has been confirmed in writing now but to proceed to being granted a Passport I need to register my birth certificate and marriage certificate again as two other government departments have not accepted what has already been submitted to get my citizenship.
So it has been time consuming trips once again doing the rounds of the government offices, official NAATI translators and Notary Offices.
It would have been impossible to get this far without my family here helping me. They have been so patient and we thank them very much.
Hope by the end of this week to have these documents registered and a Polish ID card which should allow both of us unlimited time in the Schengen Area. Time will tell.
Our lack of speaking Polish would have been a real barrier.

Another wonderful blog. Amazing photos. Both looking fabulous.
Missing you already xxx
Sam and Hannah – trust you are both well
We haven’t put down a wrong bias for a while now
Heard you may have lost a long time lady member recently
Regards Rob and Krys
Hi Krys and Rob
We have thoroughly enjoyed your blog – especially your Polish experience as it reminds us of the
week or so we spent in Poland some years ago. Just a word of caution about the use of your Polish passport ( if it ever materialises). Australians with dual citizenship who decide to use the “other” passport for entry because of the ease of entry at the border to that country can find that because they did not enter as “Australians” they are not entitled to any consular assistance in the event of medical or other emergency. I can’t imagine a situation like that developing for you Krys but it is best to be aware of the issue. Warmest regards.
Norman and Jill
Thank you for your advice re the Polish Passport – taken on board with thanks
We have found the Polish people, wherever we go to be very friendly, nice people
We haven’t seen a Brit since we left Dunkirk – they all turn right when they go over the Channel towards Spain – don’t know what they are missing
Krys has been put through the grinder by the Polish Gov – had to register her German birth certificate and Aust marriage certificate again – we did that from Aust before we left and then change her middle name by deed poll before submitting an application for a Polish ID card. Hopefully that will be granted in about a fortnight and then we can think about the Passport application. We may never leave Poland but that wouldn’t be too bad anyway
Regards Rob