2018/02/06 – Greece – Water taxi from Galatas to Poros Island

Tuesday 6th February 2018

Our campsite for tonight:  Parking Galatas – opposite Island of Poros

This parking area P3 is located right on the waterfront with views across to the island of Poros.   Galatas is definitely the poorer mainland sister of the two and is a little old village that sits in the shadow of its island sister of Poros. 

Looking from our overnight site across to Poros Island

Scattered tavernas and small supermarkets line the Galatas side but very few are occupied, with tourists opting to take the water taxi across to Poros for a mere €1 each way.

Poros looks so over populated with three storey terraced apartments and buildings occupying every spare inch on the waterfront and spreading up the entire mountain side – not a tree in sight – a little like Cinque Terrase but on a larger scale.

There is little or no waiting as the numerous water taxis continually come across between the islands and drop off passengers and then go to the back of the taxi queue to wait their turn again.   Some of the water taxis look like they can hardly make it to the other side but obviously this is a source of income to many here.

A nice home on Poros Island

We, like other tourists ventured across to Poros and climbed the 200 steps to the Clock Tower which is the upper focal point of the island.  Views of course were spectacular from here and we could see Ziggy on the other side waiting patiently for our return.  Huge passenger and car ferries leave from here to tour the islands.

View from the Clock Tower on Poros Island back towards Galatas

The other side of the island was similarly over populated and the walk was really enjoyable up and down the cobbled streets.   So many of the terraced apartments have been renovated and restored and are just stunning.

They have some naughty brand names for bikes in Greece

Down at the waterfront it was an eaters delight with so many restaurants to choose from and further along the boardwalk, a yachting fleet of 34 – 44 foot vessels stood ready to rent out in the summer months.  From here it would be amazing to rent one and tour the Greek Islands – sadly too cold right now.  I could see the faraway look in my drivers eyes – his dream no doubt.

The rental fleet ready to go – all French Jeanneau

Wednesday 7th February

There are quite a lot of wild camping spots along this part of the coastline and the APP “Park 4 Night” (French) – certainly gives us a lot more choices than the Dutch “NKC Parkings”.   We firstly travelled to Methana which has two great spots – one on the massive jetty with water on both sides and the other on the Marina.   Both would have been fantastic but little or nothing was open in the town so decided to move on. 

Our campsite for tonight:   Palea Epidavros. GPS 37.6369N. 23.1618E

Found this little gem on Park 4 night as well.  There are two spots here.  The first was a real challenge for Ziggy and my driver to navigate through this narrow streeted town to the beach.  Sometimes we were not able to get around the tight corners without doing a three or four point turn.  The beach was deserted but as we looked across the bay, we saw another better spot with a motorhome there already, so heart in hand went back the way we came.  Very tight again and at the end of it, we were delighted to make it without striking another car.

Looking from our overnight site back towards Epidavros Bay

So peaceful and quiet here, with the only sounds being of the small waves lapping up on the beach of this headland.   The town itself is quite busy with tourists because of the archaeological theatre which is only a few klms away.

Thursday 8th February

Our campsite for tonight:  Isthmia, GPS 37.9134N  23.0078E

Quite an isolated spot on the waterfront with a great beach.  Very little here apart from a few seaside homes and a beautiful taverna.   The views across to Corinth were entertaining watching the large ships coming and going in the distance.

A great place to catch up on chores, read and do some light laundry. 

We sat and watched two young ladies riding two graceful and stunningly groomed stallions – one black and one white.  They trotted beautifully along the beach and then into the sea – sometimes the horses heads went below the water line and of course riders were very wet.  These were obviously very special show horses with this being part of their training.

Overnight beachfront at Isthmia

We have been amazed at the number of stray cats and dogs here in Greece.   Our first memory was at our first night in Greece where this beautiful dog who had obviously just had pups, befriended us and followed us wherever we walked and sat outside just waiting for us to come out.  Of course, we fed her and patted her but did not realise that she was a stray as she had a collar on.  The day we left, she ran beside Ziggy until she could run no more and we were so sad and felt so bad, we have not fed any since. 

We have been told by locals that this is normal and strays are left alone to survive or die.  Many local restaurants feed these strays and in return the dogs sit guard at the restaurant doors protecting the premises.  We have been told that it is wise to feed them as they will sit guard at your motorhome and alert you to any strangers who approach!  Haven’t tried this as yet but don’t think I could just leave them as we did with our first encounter.  Some of these dogs are just so beautiful – it really breaks your heart to see them like this.

Had dinner of course in the taverna (Greek salad was fantastic as always but seafood selected was deep fried and far from the best).  Stray dogs followed us back to Ziggy but soon gave up and went back to the restaurant to wait for more generous customers.