AUSTRIA – Lakes, vineyards, bike trails and Heurigers
Sunday 13th May
Bit wet this morning so took a while to get motivated to make a move. Always like to lay in on a wet day!
We were only a short distance from the border and on arrival the guard waved us through without checking our passports.
Similar scenery to Slovenia, just so green. We are in spring now and the wild flowers are in full bloom – small purple and yellow flowers with patches of bright red wild poppies are everywhere.
Our campsite for tonight: Olmuhle Sixt, Eichfeld – GPS 46.738152N 15.745750E
This is at a farmhouse which used to have a working Oil manufacturing business (pumpkin seed we think). They have set up part of it as a Stellplatz now with spaces for about 10 Mohos.
Sadly they no longer make the oil here but the buildings are still there as is the original waterwheel – such a pretty setting. The owners did not speak English but my driver comfortably carried on a conversation with them. I just love to listen and only help out when asked!
Took advantage of a break in the weather late afternoon and set up our Cadac BBQ, tables and chairs and enjoyed a great meal until the black storm clouds reappeared. Quickly packed up and were in just in time before the heavens opened up and the heaviest rain we have experienced for a long time prevailed until the morning.
Quite interesting hearing the rain beating down on the roof (so close to our heads in the upper bed) and at times so loud we couldn’t hear ourselves speaking.
(No photos – too much rain)
Monday 14th & Tuesday 15th May
It was still raining quite heavily so decided to go only a short distance.
Our campsite for tonight: Rosenhalle, St Stefan im Rosenthal – GPS 46.905438N 15.715455E
The co ordinates listed in NKC are not quite correct but we soon found the campsite only a couple of streets away. The campsite has lots of lovely trees and scenery and is set beside a small tributary. Last nights heavy evening rain had caused it to overflow into the adjoining paddocks and the local streets around it were flooded.

Sirens sounded warning the locals of the river flooding and many locals were out and about checking the levels. We were encouraged to move away from the river to a nearby carpark and stayed there until the levels in the river dropped some hours later.
Still rained throughout the remainder of the day and night but only a drizzle.
Stayed on for another day hoping the weather might clear even though rainy weather is now predicted for the rest of May.
Lots of bike and walking trails in this area but decided a walk was best option for now. Found a man’s store in town where my driver happily walked around selecting lots of little bibs and bobs that he likes to keep as spares in case he may need them – assorted screws, hose clamps etc. – think it is a hangover from our boating and vanning days in Australia.
Again a really great gratis Stellplatz with water and electricity available at a low cost.
Wednesday 16th May
Our Autogas gas tanks were getting low and to our amazement we could not find any LPG in service stations in these little off the beat villages. Seems the bigger towns only supply LPG in Austria. Our two large tanks hold enough for about a month in the summer months.
After several kms and passing about 20 service stations with no luck, we stopped and checked out the site and headed for the closest station – 92kms away – ugh!
Getting late now and once we were filled up with LPG headed for the nearest Moho stop for the night.
Our campsite for tonight: Cselley Muhle, Oslip – GPS 47.840969N 16.625120E
A couple kms outside the town of Eisenstadt, this spot is peaceful and quiet and set in a treed area with vineyards all around and the only building within sight, a beautiful restaurant and accommodation place. There are no facilities here but was just wonderful with only the birds keeping us company.

Thursday – Sunday, 17th – 20th May
Our campsite for four nights: Weingut Slaboda, Podersdorf am See – GPS 47.850151N 16.831011E
We are at the crossroads now where we need to make some major decisions on our planned route over the next few months – only six months left now in Europe as we have booked flights for Dubai at the end of November – didn’t want to spend another winter travelling in Europe though we have to admit we successfully avoided most of the really cold weather and snow by going to Portugal, Spain and Greece.
We might change the dates and the destination for our flight bookings as we are having such a great time in Ziggy in Europe but we need to go back to the UK before the end of November anyhow to get the annual MOT and registration for Ziggy – maybe we should put Ziggy back in to storage in the UK for a few months and come back again for the next northern summer.
It’s a long weekend in Austria so decided to find a spot where there are lots of bike trails and things to do. This is a small campsite taking only 14 Mohos. It has been full pretty much the whole weekend. As soon as one leaves it is replaced with another shortly after. It is set at a vineyard only a few minutes walk from town and a massive lake (Neusiedler See in Burgenland) where windsurfers and kite surfers happily fly about in a blaze of colour.

Weather is still not great with very little sunshine and lots of cloud and wind but this did not stop everyone from hitting the huge number of bike trails around here. There were bikes of all sorts many with small trailers carrying children and dogs along for the ride.

Over the four days we attempted the B10 bikeway which runs for 120 kms around the lake – didn’t make it all the way round 😅 and had to stop many times at one of the many local Heuriger’s (wine bars that serve wine only and antipasto type meals – no beer, no coffee).

The bikeways are very flat so no hard hills to climb thank goodness.

The centre of town is on the lake with a small red and white striped lighthouse being the feature. Lots of restaurants and ice cream shops which were well frequented on this holiday weekend.

Vineyards are everywhere and of course lots of wineries to try out.
Had a super relaxing four days though there are parts of my body that I am sure will hurt for a few days to come.